
09.00 - 09.30

Brand Collab Advantage
Conference Brief by Founding Chairman

  • Yuswohady, Founding Chairman Indonesia Brand Forum

09.35 - 10.35

Ecosystem Collab: From Industry to Arena

  • Indra Utoyo, Direktur Utama Allo Bank
  • Achmad Seogiarto, Chief Strategy & Technology Officer Kalla Group

10.40 - 11.40

Content Collab: Broadening the Pond

  • Edie Kurniawan, Vice President Marketing Management Telkom
  • Irawati Endarwati, VP Group Ritel Business PT Sarinah

11.45 - 12.10



12.10 - 13.10

Tribes Collab: Engaging Fans

  • Luthfi Cahya Wibisono - GM Video and Partnership Telkomsel
  • Vega Pita, Corporate Brand Manager PT Pertamina (Persero)

13.15 - 14.15

"Go to Market" Collab: Leveraging Asset

  • Ryan Kaloh, Marketing Director Alfamart
  • Khrisma Fitria, Head of Corporate Communication Mondelez